Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Reasons for activities

Squat-  The squat is an explosive exersice just like the clean and jerk is.  During the clean and jerk, you start in a squated position and end in a squated position.  The squat will help with the explosive movement of getting the bar up and across the chest.  The stronger your legs become the more explosive force you will have behind to lift more weight thus making your stronger with the clean and jerk.

Shoulder press- The shoulder press is a weight resistance exercise mostly using the deltiod.  In the 3rd phase of the movement your are required to use a press than reset to a starting position.  As you gt stronger with the shoulder press the easier it will be to lift.  The shoulder press is an exact movement being used in the clean and jerk making it mandatory that you do shoulder press if your looking to become stronger in the clean and jerk.

Shrug-  The shrug is a weight resistance exercise designed to build up the upper fibers of the trapeziod.  In the 1st phase of the clean and jerk you are required to shrug the weight up first and snatch.  Your traps are a key part to keep good form in the movement.  The stronger you become with the shrug the better your form will become because you will realy less on your arms to swing the weight up.  If you are to have improper form while doing the movment there could be serious injuries that can occur.  It is important that you have proper form and have stronger trapeziods are key to keeping good form.

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