Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Recovery 2

Recovery 2- From recovery 1 flip wrists and bar down back to starting position and than repeat.
Shoulder Girdle- Scapulothoracis retraction (adduction) by trapezius middle and lower fibers, the Rhombiods.  Depression by the lower Trapezius, pectoralis minor and Subclavious
Shoulder Joint- Extension by the extensors by the lattismus dorsi, lower fibers pactoralis major and teres major.
elbow and radioulnar joint- Radioulnar joint is contracting isometrically.  The elbow is eccentrically contracting by the biceps brachii, brachioradialis and brachialis.  Elbow is concentrically contracting by the triceps brachii.
Hip Joint- Posterior tilt of the torso.  Concentric contraction of the Biceps femoris, Semimembranosus, semitendinosus.  Eccentric contraction of the Gracilis, rectuc femoris, satorius, gluteus maximus and gluteus minimus.
Knee Joint- Eccentric contraction of the Vastus lateralis, Vastus medias, Vastus intermedius.

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